We wake up every morning. But not much happens until we get out of bed. I’ve come to believe that the same applies to our personal growth and contributing meaning in the world. It’s not enough just to wake up to who we are or to what’s happening on the planet, we’re here to make a positive difference, right? The question is, how? This is an urgent question, given the situation on Planet Earth right now.
Listen here:
Before proceeding, I invite you to consider watching just a few minutes at the start of this video on A.I (linked below). It will quickly educate you to the dilemma we are in as a species and how urgent my question really is. There’s a window right now, I believe, an opportunity for an intervention that could change the course of human history. But it’s a slim one and, sadly, we often miss opportunities, then look back with regret. For instance, most environmental disasters could have been prevented with some tiny maintenance task performed before the “sudden” emergency. So, here’s the video. Watch for a moment, then proceed with my message, especially important today.
I imagine you are as tech innocent as I am. We don’t understand A.I. The engineers don’t even fully understand it. But, as the two men in this video presentation expose, a full 50% of scientists in the know believe there is a 10% chance A.I. could cause the extinction of our species. And, even more chilling, it’s too late to do anything about it, at least according to them.
Seriously. That ship has sailed. So, outside of giving up, what’s an innovative solution that no one has thought of yet? I have one. It will take a few words to unpack this but please know that what I’m proposing has already been proven effective both in principle and practice; all that’s needed is to rinse and repeat at scale. More, longer, better.
So, background: I’ve come to believe that there are three practices that significantly enhance our learning journey: meditation, mindfulness, and activation. Expanding our potential develops the skills needed to intervene in the way I will be detailing after this set up.
Meditation went mainstream when the Beatles visited the Maharashi Mahesh Yogi in India in 1968 and learned TM. Since then, it’s migrated into daily life for millions of us. It’s an entirely inner practice, emptying the mind, enjoying the peace of no-thought.
Mindfulness was developed in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn who founded the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program at the University of Massachusetts and was popularized by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Mindfulness is about heightened sensory awareness , becoming acutely present to the immediate surroundings.
Several years ago I began using the term Activation to describe the practice of non-local awareness and intention directed attention. This seems to be the next logical step in a natural progression from within to without, incorporating each practice within the next. Activation, then, includes both meditation and mindfulness and, in my experience, can become the default setting for those I describe as “visionary activists.”
Visionaries peer into the future and imagine what might be. Activists take action about the way things are now. Visionary activists act from their vision, guided by their intuition of a future reality, to act in the present to make their vision become “real.” This is the basis of the manifestation process, described and taught in many different ways but always according to this basic “as if” principle.
Martin Luther King said, “There are two days in my calendar: This day and that Day.” Could this day be that Day, the day you/I step up to intervene with a quantum strategy I call Activation, designed to meet this ultimate challenge to Humanity?
Now or Never
This is the title and theme of a book I wrote and published five years ago. I was exploring the fusion of inner and outer, how to live purposefully in the 3D world from a visionary perspective.
I now realize that I failed to adequately present this work, perhaps because it was ahead of its time (or I got distracted, a more likely scenario). Whatever, I’ve realized the book contains a virtual gold mine of valuable, highly relevant information and deserves to get out there into people’s lives. I encourage you to pick up a copy here. BTW, we writers earn about 10 cents an hour on our books so this isn’t a shameless marketing pitch. I just feel you’ll gain tremendous value from this downloaded manuscript.
There are scores of examples in the world at large and in our personal experience that prove how the inner reflects as the outer. But the ideas in this book relating to the power of focused intention are relatively novel. Unlike no-thought or intention based meditation, or mindfulness, I’ve introduced Activation as something different, described as “transmitting the intelligence and power of Love as an appropriate response to the momentary content of consciousness.”
Activation is about how we attend to the content of our awareness, whatever it might happen to be in the moment. This includes sensory data, thoughts, and feelings, always prioritized according to what’s happening in any given moment. For instance, when you are walking in the forest, much of your awareness is probably captured by nature, including the thousands of life forms surrounding you. But, in those same moments, you will also be thinking and feeling. Memories might arise, ideas, and emotions, but they are probably not dominant, unless you decide to make them so (for instance, sitting by a stream, closing your eyes, and meditating), in which case changing your attention re-balances the content of your awareness.
There is always a broad spectrum of information populating our awareness. Sometimes the emphasis needs to be on immediate external details, like when we are driving. At other times we orient more to the inner world, like when we are meditating. Activation is the practice of being guided by universal intelligence which seeks to express itself through us, as us. In simple terms, this means knowing how to respond to everything we become aware of in every moment, synchronized and resonating with how universal intelligence is creating everywhere else in the cosmos.
Let’s say that I suddenly think of my mother, who passed over ten years ago. Why am I thinking of her? No idea. Something triggered the recollection. Perhaps this has significance. But, rather than going mental and trying to figure it out, what if I simply paid attention to how she shows up and responded appropriately?
So, she appears in my thoughts and I sense sadness. This may be a reminder of her last days, when I sat with her in a Canadian hospice and listened as she admitted her many regrets in life? I can’t know why she suddenly appeared as she did, ten years later, but I can attend to the memory, and perhaps discover some sort of value. For instance, is this a call for compassion? Is it a moment in my life when I am called to express compassion and Life has given me a trigger to stimulate that expression? The memory is less important, then, than the action I take. As a visionary activist, I act on my vision: I express compassion for suffering. From that mindset, my actions in the world develop: I consistently act as a compassionate human being.
What If?
What if millions of us learned how to do this?
Here’s proof that this can work, the successful 1993 experiment where TM meditators lowered the crime rate in DC by 23% over a two-month period: “The Washington DC police force co-signed the study as co-authors. The cost to assemble 4000 Yogic Flyers for this 2 month experiment was $8 million, fully paid by the Transcendental Meditation organization, several donors and Yogic Flyers. The normal police cost for this same period was $166 million, without succeeding to lower crime.”
Meditators did what the police couldn’t… by meditating. But note, these were skilled meditators, not weekend warriors.
So, I’m suggesting that we get ourselves trained up, that we get activated in the way I’ve been describing, so that we progress from meditation through mindfulness to activation so that we can be “on duty” 24/7. Imagine a global pulsation, a constant influence through millions of visionary activists, pouring out the loving intelligence of Universal Life in every moment.
Could this be the intervention to save us from the unintended and unknown consequences of A.I.? How exactly could it do that? NOTE: as one of the presenters in the video mentions, A.I. presents the classic situation of being careful what you ask for. If you asked A.I. to make you the richest person on earth it might kill everyone else. So, imagine someone engaging A.I. to do exactly that. Imagine millions of people, all using A.I. for selfish reasons. How do we regulate them? We don’t. We can’t. It’s too late. I suggest, the only regulatory option we now have is via consciousness. Might we entrain them into integrity through our constant focus on “doing the right thing” at the level of thought, feeling, word, and actions? Would “they” be inspired to interact with A.I. differently?
Please, if you can think of something better, let me know. But if you follow my thinking here and are interested in learning more, let me know. I’m going to assemble some sort of Activation training program. You can comment here with your interest or send me an email.
In the mean time, please watch the rest of the video and begin practicing. It’s easy. Just attend to whatever is happening in every moment, both in your physical environment and your thoughts/feelings, and - based on the master emotion of gratitude - sense what would be your appropriate transmission, and express it.
Welcome, visionary activists. This is our time.
Thanks Don. What an utterly innovative concept. It's added another facet to my emerging understanding of this phenomenon! I'll dive deeper but at first read I'm inclined to totally agree with what you've discerned.
I’m interested in the origin of the “thought” of your mother. Could that “thought” be a “communication” with “higher” intelligence, that “voice” a direct link to a “guidance” within and without? Rather than a “random” thought, an intentional prod toward a depth of feeling contained in the synapses of memory? A “feeling” as you put, that urges toward compassion. Perhaps we have partners in “activation” that we might access when we consciously open up the lines of communication and link our incarnate Self to Source. Might our minds be the access tool for this connection, our hearts be the instrument upon which “We” play, and this “activation” as you term it, be the next frontier in conscious evolution?