Love this!

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I appreciate what everyone has shared here and here is the what I am coming to believe. "Tune In" ie open awareness, learn what is really happening and not just parrot a narrative, "Turn On" ie take action by standing in ones truth & self-responsibilty as you take advantage of opportunities to educate and hold others accountable, "Drop Out" ie maintain personal balance by dropping out of the old dis-functional system as much as possible and build the life you would like right now with like minded friends.

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Love this Larry, especially "... we rise above our perception of horror and see beauty..." That's the ticket!

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"Breaking our Hearts Open" deeper exploration that opens many doors of memory past and present. Timothy Leary was necessary to reach Ram Das to reach other avenues to find meaning. Collectively, I don't think we could have endured the mental torture of today that is noted unless a crack in the door of awareness was facilitated by the 60's. Early on, I went the way of conventional living with the glimmer of something growing from the Grateful Dead years. Only later did it blossom to uneasiness enough to shed those mid-western simplistic ways to explore new realms. I don't ignore the suffering, I've learned to translate it to an understanding of the world where we live. Once in awhile, I get to extend gratefulness by helping others which feels like available avenues to counter the shallow technological world that has developed. My dream last was lovely, more encouraging then waking up in terror....whew. Maybe, the payoff of our efforts show up in dreams where we rise above our perception of horror and see beauty waking up amazed. Let's hope we all have those payoffs.

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Fully understand. There are many frequencies of spiritual activism. The power resides in passion fueled individuals who've found their sweet spot of contribution, and it looks different for everyone. I know you're finding yours.

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Thank you for the eloquent call to spiritual activism. I have found myself, as we enter more deeply into this time of transformation, more inclined to let go of all attempts to manage the meta-crisis. I'm afraid I'm with Tim ... “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” I see it as my only way to actually work for the emergent new, rather than fix the decrepit old.

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Thanks Gary. It's such a delicate dance to balance light and darkness but it seems to be only path of sanity these days!

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This is an incredibly brilliant bit of writing Will! It is so right on. You have captured what is happening in our world. I read it three times!!!!



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