Great perspective, Will!

Realizing that our individual worlds are exactly what we make them out to be, regardless of the circumstances, challenges us to get very clear on what we really are committed to creating.

Having lived, worked, or volunteered in a variety of third world settings, I'm always touched and inspired by the positivity, gratitude, hope, and generosity exhibited by the people I encounter in those settings . . . settings in which their lives are anything but easy and are often filled with immense challenges that are difficult for us to even fathom.

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“Why is it that the vast majority of sci-fi films and novels depict a bleak future?” Here’s one answer – deep in the reptilian brain there sits a small gland they named amygdala. It’s soul purpose is to warn us of impending danger, so the body can get ready to hide, fight, or run. The main reason they do “News programs” or create dooms day flicks is to make money. The more people that watch, the more sponsors they get, the more money they make. Marketing professionals know this! They deliberately create themes that target the amygdala to force people to watch – you have no choice! It’s deep in your subconscious mind protecting you.

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