
Quantum Purification

Healing greedy money

I had to put the video before my explanation. So, watch it or read this first then return here to watch it when I give the invitation, down a few paragraphs.

I got a phone call early last Sunday morning from the Maui Police Department. I was told that I’d not reported for jury duty, by an officer who identified himself by name and badge number when I asked for identification. He said that a summons had been mailed to me, received, and signed for, but that I never showed up. He indicated this was a serious matter.

I politely informed him that I was going to hang up, call the police department and check out his story. He protested, “This is the Maui Police Department.” Sure enough, after I hung up and searched for their non-emergency number, it was the same number that he’d called on.

I called that number and got a police agent who immediately confirmed this was a scam. Just as I suspected.

This guy was lying to me. Lying to rip me off and make his quota to get paid to feed his family, working for a company run by mercenaries who pay for their toys by ripping off vulnerable believers.

Earlier that morning I read an article about a health care company that is shutting down several hospitals and spiraling into bankruptcy. The company was recently bought by another company. Their immediate strategy was to pay themselves multi-million dollar bonuses, $60 million for one, $40 million for the other, and reward shareholders with a further $27 million… then to go bankrupt for lack of funds. Thousands will now be deprived of health care and hundreds will be unemployed.

It’s all about the money.

But what is money? We invented it. Money buys necessities; it also buys pleasure and distractions. One of the many things it distracts from is the hollowness of a selfish life, empty of the joy that comes from helping others.

What can we do about this? Here’s a quantum strategy to experiment with. I learned this many years ago and have presented this demonstration many times. I recorded a two-minute video of how this works, above. Now would be the time to watch, if you didn’t already.

For those who don’t watch the video, here’s a description of what I demonstrated. For those who did, you can skip the next paragraph.

I place a soup can in a large bowl and position a water glass on top of the can, so it’s visible. I pour a small amount of water into the glass, then add in any kind of dark liquid, like Coke. This now symbolizes a problematic situation, whether it’s greedy opportunists, incompetent officials lying about their involvement in something illegal, etc.

Now, I can stare at that glass forever and nothing will change. I can get a spoon and stir it up, nothing changes. But when I fill a pitcher with water and begin pouring into the glass, after a moment or two the water in the glass begins to overflow into the bowl and we notice the dark color being diluted. Dark gives way to light. If I continue pouring long enough the water becomes crystal clear.

The message is simple: provide what’s missing.

Peering at the problem, maybe describing it, stirring things up with debate and regulations… nothing changes. But providing what’s missing (pouring in clear water in this demo) lightens the darkness.

Does this remind you of what I’m remembering right now? The Prayer of St. Francis:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

And this prayer brings to mind an old Dave Mason song, with the lyric: “We shouldn’t have took more than we gave, or we wouldn’t be in this mess today.”

The remedy for greed, lying, cheating, stealing, murder? Generosity, honestly, integrity, accountability, compassion. “My cup runneth over…” That’s what my demonstration is all about.

Quantum Purification is the second enlightened strategy we’ll be exploring in Activation School, to learn the skills associated with an entirely new way of life, including moving over to a personal economy based on selfless generosity. We’re scheduled to open in February. If you’d like to enroll, just upgrade to paid. And, BTW, if you find these posts helpful, please forward to friends. The more activated souls we have contributing to an up-leveling of our shared consciousness the better!

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